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Réputation : 62
Clan S.T.A.R.S BOT Pp_fou10
Regist Date : 2005-07-15

Clan S.T.A.R.S BOT Empty Clan S.T.A.R.S BOT

Sun 03 Dec 2006, 12:59
yeah , he is returning from the grave ^^

After some month th STEALTH BOT is coming out again .

Thanks to the StealthBot Crew for that work. now Bot is fully usable on the clan channel.

here some commands for it

Access are the same as in clan d0s


!inbox - no aliases: This command cannot change, it is always !inbox regardless of the bot's trigger. This command is accessible only to people with unread mail.


.find - alias .whois: Displays the requested user's access to the bot.

.about - alias .ver: Displays the bot's version information.

.server - no aliases: Displays the server the bot is connected to.

.add <username> <access> <flags> - alias .set: Adds a user (<username>) to the bot's access list with access <access> (10-998) and/or <flags> (A - Z)

.whoami : Displays the access of the person using the command.

.cq : Clears the bot's queue! Useful if your bot is stuck spamming many messages, banning many people, or the like.

.designated - Displays the user that the bot last designated.

.flip - Flips a coin.

.findflag / .findattr <flag> : Lists all users with the specified flag.

.roll : Generates a random number between 0 and 100.

.roll <number> : Generates a random number between 0 and <number>.


.time - no aliases: Displays the current time and date on the computer.

?trigger - no aliases: Displays the bot's current trigger.

.pingme / .getping : Returns the ping of the person who used the command.


.say <message> - no aliases: Repeats the message following the command.

.shout <message> - Repeats the message following the command in all uppercase. Wink

.ignore <username> alias .ign : Squelches the <username>.

.unignore <username> - no aliases: Unsquelches the <username>.

.addquote <quote> - no aliases: Adds the <quote> to the quotes.txt file.

.quote - no aliases: Displays a randomly selected quote from the quotes.txt file.

.away - no aliases: Turns /away mode on.

.back - no aliases: Turns /away mode off.

.ping <username>: Retrieves <username>'s current ping.

.uptime: Displays the computer's uptime and the time since the bot logged on.

.mp3: Displays the MP3 that Winamp [VERSION 2.9 AND BELOW] is playing.

.mail <username> <message>: Adds mail to the mail queue for <username>.

.vote <duration> : Begins a general vote lasting <duration> seconds.

.voteban <username> : Begins a 30-second voteban vote. If the vote passes, the user is banned.

.votekick <username> : Begins a 30-second votekick vote. If the vote passes, the user is kicked.

.tally : Displays the current results of the active vote.

.info <username> : Displays information available on the specified user: time in channel, product, ping, flags.

.scq : Silently clears the queue.

.expand <text> : Adds spaces in between each letter of a specified phrase.

.where : Replies in a whisper as to the bot's current channel.


.kick <username> <message>: Kicks <username> with <message>. Accepts wildcards (*)

.ban <username> <message>: Bans <username> with <message>. Acceps wildcards (*)

.unban <username>: unbans <username>.

.lastwhisper: Displays the username of the last person who messaged the bot.

.define <term> alias .def : Defines <term>.

.fadd <user> : Adds <user> to the account's friends list.

.frem <user> : Removes <user> from the accuont's friends list.

.bancount : Returns the number of users banned since the bot joined the channel.

.allseen : Returns the names of the last 15 people the bot has seen.

.levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Warcraft III level-based banning.

.d2levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Diablo II level-based banning.

.tagcheck <expression> : Returns any tagbans that the specified expression matches.

ACCESS LEVEL 70 (now it's getting good!)

.shitlist <user> aliases .pban .shitadd : Adds the user to the shitlist.

.shitlist all by itself: Lists the users in the shitlist.

.shitdel <user> : Removes the user from the shitlist.

.safeadd <user> aliases .safelist <user> : Adds a user or tag to the safelist.

.safedel <user> : Removes an item from the safelist.

.safelist all by itself: Lists the users and tags in the safelist.

.tagbans : Lists tagbans

.tagadd aliases .tagban .addtag : Adds a tag to the tagbans list

.tagdel : Deletes a tag from the tagbans list

.protect on/off : Turns Lockdown on or off, all users in the channel or that join the channel and are not safelisted or with access less than 20 will be banned.

.mimic <username> : Repeats everything that the person says.

.nomimic : Turns Mimic off.

.check <username> : Checks the user monitor to see if <username> is online.

.online : Lists the users currently "ONLINE" on the User Monitor.

.monitor <username> : Adds <username> to the monitor.

.unmonitor <username> : Removes <username> from the monitor.

(Custom Commands)

.cmdadd <r> <q> <a> alias .addcmd: Adds Custom Commands. Click here for more information.

.cmddel <commandname> alias .delcmd: Deletes Custom Commands.

.cmdlist alias .listcmds : Lists the current custom commands and their required access levels.


.plist / .phrases : Lists currently banned phrases.

.padd / .addphrase : Adds a phrase to the PhraseBans list.

.pdel / .delphrase : Deletes a PhraseBan.

.phrasebans (on/off/status) : Enables, disables, or displays the status of PhraseBans.

.pon / .poff - Enables/disables phrasebans.

.pstatus - Same as .phrasebans status.

.ipban <username> - IPBans the specified username.

.unipban <username> - Un-IPBans the specified username.

.ipbans (on/off/status) - Enables, disables, or displays the status of IPBans.

.banned - Displays a list of users that have been banned.

.setpmsg - Sets the message used to ban users during Channel Protection.

.notify <username> : Uses the bot's User Monitor to watch for when a user has signed on Battle.net.

.denotify <username> : Deactivates notifications for a specific user.

.mmail <flags> <message> : Botmails all users with <flags> flags the specified <message>.

.mmail <access> <message> : Botmails all users with <access> the specified <message>.
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